Havos - Spil gratis online og hente apps til Android og iPhone / iPad
Havos udvikler ordspil at spille online og på telefoner og tabletter. Alle spil ser og føler det samme på alle platforme. Dette inkluderer iPad, iPhone, iPod, Android-telefoner og tabletter, Amazon Kindle, BlackBerry telefoner og alle enheder eller computere med en webbrowser. Apple iOS produkter kan downloades fra Apple App Store. De Android-produkter kan downloades fra Google Play Store, Amazon App Store og BlackBerry World. Eller du kan spille vores online ordspil direkte her.
Alle vores produkter er ordlege eller reference-programmer. Spillene har downloades ordbøger, som giver ordlister i mere end 20 forskellige sprog. I online web-versioner alle ordbøger er tilgængelige med det samme uden at skulle downloade. Du kan bruge "Select Language" menuen øverst til højre for at spille på dette sprog. Vores spil omfatter krydsord, kodord, ord søge, ord fit / fylde gåder og puslespil krydsord. Eller du kan bruge vores krydsord solver til at løse krydsord.
Klik på et ikon nedenfor for at lære mere om vores produkter. Klik på "Play now in your browser" knappen for at spille et ordspil online nu.
Arrow crosswords are convenient to play, since the clue is embedded into the grid, rather than written in a separate clue list, making it easy to fit the clue with its corresponding squares
Compact crosswords are similar to normal crosswords, but use lines instead of black squares to separate the words, meaning many more words and crossovers on the grid, particularly suitable for smaller screens and players that like lots of clues
Recreate a crossword with jigsaw pieces. The letters on the pieces help you complete the puzzle. Easy to use interface, drag and drop puzzle pieces across the screen.
Play an unlimited number of tailor-made crossword puzzles! This app contains a database of many thousands of straight and general knowledge clues and answers, so that it can generate unique crosswords based on your own interests, ability and device.
Fit words into a grid in this popular game, often seen in puzzle magazines. The grid looks like a crossword, but there are no normal clues. Instead you must find the right place in the grid for each word from a given list. The game has an easy to use interface. Either drag-and-drop the words to their correct position, or tap the grid and then the word.
Fit numbers or images into the game grid. A fun puzzle game with easy rules. It means you can start playing immediately. Use your skill to find the correct place for each sequence of numbers or pictures.
Find the letters behind the numbers, by playing this popular word game. Unlimited games to play. Configure the grid size and the difficulty of the words. This means it is suitable for all abilities and device sizes.
Best app for solving crosswords. Includes help for cryptic clues, two word answers, anagrams and more. Comprehensive word list, plus thousands of names of famous people and places.
This application is a database of 65,000 famous people. It has kings, politicians, actors, scientists, singers, sports people and many others. They can be grouped by profession and by nationality.